I have put on some parts that i was not looking forward to i.e the legsheild trim and badges. As it turned out the legsheild badge went on quite easy.The Vespa 150 badge came from ScootRS and was nice and thicker than the sportique badge which was purchased from ebay but both lined up spot on with the original holes. The legsheild trim also from ScootRS was not as bad as some of this type i have tried to fit before, it's always best to do a dry fit before you paint to see how well things fit as when i did my dry fit i noted that the legsheild trim was to long and clashed with the floor runners, so i knew to modify the trims then and not have this problem later. The Douglas badge was in a bit of a mess and are very hard to find, so i decided to restore it the best i could
Here are some pictures of the scooter in work .The colour was made up with paint i already had and then tinted to a shade i like, so its not a vespa colour but i think it looks about right. Now comes the tricky bit, build it with out scratching it. There are just a few things i need to get the biggest being a seat that i will order next week